Physical Therapist Assistants

Physical therapist assistants - Physical therapist assistants (PTAs) is person who help physical therapists in their daily activities which include assisting patients during rehabilitation. Include accident victims and clients with such conditions as burns, fractures, head injuries, amputations, stroke, vertigo, low back pain, arthritis, heart disease, and cerebral palsy.

Education Requirements for PT Assistants
  • Physical Therapy Aides must have a high school diploma. Most employers provide on-the-job training.
  • Complete an accredited physical therapist assistant program where he or she earns an associates degree. PTAs are required to have Certification in CPR and other first aid, and clinical experience.
Physical Therapist Assistants Salary
  • Physical therapist assistants salary were $41,360 in 2006. Median annual earnings of physical therapist aides were $22,060 in 2006.
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